Protegiendo nuestra comunidad y el medio ambiente

Juntos trabajamos por los derechos colectivos y la conservación de nuestra flora y fauna.

Nuestra comunidad, nuestro compromiso

Somos la Junta de Acción Comunal del barrio Altos de Pradomar, trabajando por los derechos colectivos y la conservación del medio ambiente, fauna y flora de nuestra comunidad.

Servicios Comunitarios

Promovemos el bienestar y la conservación del medio ambiente en Altos de Pradomar.

A group of smiling individuals poses together near a serene lake, holding banners with 'Coastal Cleanup Day' and 'World Cleanup Day' written on them. The participants are dressed casually and some hold cleaning tools and buckets, indicating their involvement in an environmental cleanup activity. The background features a calm body of water surrounded by trees and hills under an overcast sky.
A group of smiling individuals poses together near a serene lake, holding banners with 'Coastal Cleanup Day' and 'World Cleanup Day' written on them. The participants are dressed casually and some hold cleaning tools and buckets, indicating their involvement in an environmental cleanup activity. The background features a calm body of water surrounded by trees and hills under an overcast sky.
Protección Ambiental

Conservamos la fauna y flora de nuestro barrio para un futuro sostenible.

Derechos Colectivos

Defendemos y promovemos los derechos de nuestra comunidad en Altos de Pradomar.

Actividades Comunitarias

Organizamos eventos y actividades que fortalecen la unión y participación vecinal.

Proyectos Comunitarios

Iniciativas para proteger derechos y medio ambiente en Pradomar.

Conservación Ambiental

Proyectos para preservar fauna y flora del barrio.

Derechos Colectivos

Defendemos los derechos de nuestra comunidad en Altos de Pradomar.

Recuperación Del patrimonio Cultural Natural, Parques, zonas peatonales y señalizaciones

Defendemos los derechos de nuestra comunidad en Altos de Pradomar.

Defendemos los derechos de nuestra comunidad en Altos de Pradomar.

Programa y actividades para el fortalecimiento de la cultura ciudadana y ambiental


Several individuals are engaged in a community cleanup, collecting trash from a gutter. They are dressed casually and are focused on picking up plastic bottles and litter. The setting is outdoors, with bags to collect the trash.
Several individuals are engaged in a community cleanup, collecting trash from a gutter. They are dressed casually and are focused on picking up plastic bottles and litter. The setting is outdoors, with bags to collect the trash.
Several protest signs are held up in a crowd, with messages advocating for environmental awareness and preservation. A prominent sign reads, 'Wake Up Save: Nature, Future & your soul' with a red heart symbol. Other signs in the background contain messages in German, relating to environmental actions.
Several protest signs are held up in a crowd, with messages advocating for environmental awareness and preservation. A prominent sign reads, 'Wake Up Save: Nature, Future & your soul' with a red heart symbol. Other signs in the background contain messages in German, relating to environmental actions.

Imágenes que reflejan nuestra labor comunitaria y ambiental.