Proyectos Ambientales

Iniciativas para proteger la fauna y flora del barrio.

A crowd of people is gathered for a protest or demonstration, with someone holding a megaphone facing the group. Various signs with messages advocating for environmental action are visible. A large yellow balloon with a sun symbol floats above the crowd.
A crowd of people is gathered for a protest or demonstration, with someone holding a megaphone facing the group. Various signs with messages advocating for environmental action are visible. A large yellow balloon with a sun symbol floats above the crowd.
Conservación Ecológica

Desarrollamos proyectos de conservación que promueven el respeto por el medio ambiente y la biodiversidad en Altos de Pradomar, involucrando a la comunidad en actividades sostenibles y educativas.

  • Invertir en infraestructura verde

    Recuperar zonas verdes, corredores verdes, parques y reintegrar la naturaleza que se ha perdido por el crecimiento de nuestro barrio.

  • Consumir de forma sostenible

    Aprender a consumir agua de forma racional, producir alimentos, materiales y energía de forma sostenible, y consumir productos sostenibles.

  • Reciclar y reutilizar

    Separar los residuos, reciclar y reutilizar, y evitar que lleguen a los rellenos sanitarios.

  • Crear un jardín para la fauna en nuestras casas

    Colocar comederos, baños para pájaros, cajas para nidos, casas para abejas y murciélagos para fomentar la reproducción y resguardo de estos.

  • Plantar árboles, arbustos y flores autóctonas

    Proporcionar fuentes naturales para que los animales se protejan, aniden y posen, pero en este punto en especial tenemos un proyecto y es hacer de cada calle alusiva a una especie nativa.

  • Evitar el uso de pesticidas

    Evitar el uso de pesticidas que pueden dañar a la fauna.

Educación Ambiental

Implementamos programas de educación ambiental para concienciar a los vecinos sobre la importancia de cuidar nuestro entorno y fomentar prácticas sostenibles que beneficien a la comunidad y al ecosistema local.

Conservación Ambiental

Protegemos la fauna y flora del barrio Altos de Pradomar.

A group of people walking down a city street holding protest signs. One prominent sign quotes an environmental message. The street is lined with tall, classic European-style buildings. The atmosphere is dynamic with people actively participating in the protest.
A group of people walking down a city street holding protest signs. One prominent sign quotes an environmental message. The street is lined with tall, classic European-style buildings. The atmosphere is dynamic with people actively participating in the protest.
Two individuals are outdoors, holding signs related to Earth Day and environmental cleanup efforts. They are accompanied by a large dog on a leash. The scene is set on a dirt path surrounded by greenery, and both individuals are wearing hats and face masks, suggesting sunny weather and safety precautions.
Two individuals are outdoors, holding signs related to Earth Day and environmental cleanup efforts. They are accompanied by a large dog on a leash. The scene is set on a dirt path surrounded by greenery, and both individuals are wearing hats and face masks, suggesting sunny weather and safety precautions.
A group of people wearing red costumes and face paint surround two individuals holding signs. The signs contain environmental messages, emphasizing the conflict between planet preservation and profit. The scene captures a protest or demonstration with participants expressing concern for environmental issues.
A group of people wearing red costumes and face paint surround two individuals holding signs. The signs contain environmental messages, emphasizing the conflict between planet preservation and profit. The scene captures a protest or demonstration with participants expressing concern for environmental issues.
A person is sitting outdoors on a stone platform, wearing a dark coat and jeans. They are holding a sign that reads, 'Be a part of the solution not the pollution.' The image is set in a natural environment with blurred trees in the background, suggesting a park or open space.
A person is sitting outdoors on a stone platform, wearing a dark coat and jeans. They are holding a sign that reads, 'Be a part of the solution not the pollution.' The image is set in a natural environment with blurred trees in the background, suggesting a park or open space.